Tonight, I almost died. And Zoe? She bailed on me. And didn't turn back.
So it was a regular ol' night, and I was baking a tilapia filet for dinner. I went in the kitchen when the timer went off and noticed smoke shooting out of one of the stovetop burners. I thought that was odd but didn't think too much of it. Until I opened the oven door. And through the cloud of smoke that poured out saw the fire. Yep, my oven was on fire.
The smoke detector immediately started going off, so I opened my front door to air out the apartment. That's when Zoe's fight or flight instincts took over. And she went with the "flight" instinct, apparently. I kind of had bigger problems to deal with and knew Zoe would be okay in my enclosed apartment building.
I put out the fire with some flour, waited until the smoke detectors had stopped ringing, and then went out to find Zoe. She was hanging out with some girl. Probably trying to find a new mom and a new home.
She then came back and slept for the rest of the night. Her nerves must have worn her out, bless her heart :) I spent the night cleaning the disgusting smelling, flour-filled oven. Can't believe I forgot to take a picture of the oven right after the fire! But here it is in all its newly-cleaned, "I nearly killed you" glory.