Tonight was Ted Lawson's retirement party. Herb and Colleen showed up, and I grabbed a photo with Colleen.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Day 16: Colleen
Tonight was Ted Lawson's retirement party. Herb and Colleen showed up, and I grabbed a photo with Colleen.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Day 15: State of the Union
Today was the annual State of the Union. And it.was.long. I'm pretty sure Joe Biden stopped listening about 30 minutes in.
I opted to not take a photo of Obama speaking, because....well.....he annoys me. Instead, I took a photo of CNN's poll from--wait for it--Twitter posts about the State of the Union. OK, I'm all for a social media...but to a point. I mean, is it really CNN-worthy to broadcast what random people think about the State of the 140 characters or less, of course.
I've decided that there should be a drinking game for Obama's speeches:
* Take a shot every time Nancy Pelosi randomly jumps out of her chair, clapping.
* Take a shot every time Joe Biden scratches his armpit (what was with that?!).
* Take a shot every time Obama pauses awkwardly--because he thought everyone was going to applaud, but they don't--before continuing on.
* Take a shot every time he talks about the economy he "inherited", "took over", or "that came in the eight years before him". (Wait--don't--you seriously might die.)
Oh, and regardless of my personal opinions regarding Obama's policies--I gotta give the guy credit for his public speaking skills.....
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Day 14: Lovely Laura

There's something special about a lifelong friend. They knew you through the highs (first boyfriend!) and the lows (did I really get a perm--with bangs??) and they were your friends nonetheless.
It's been nearly 13 years since Laura and I were last in school together, and we still get together for dinner, wine, and endless gossip about our old neighborhood. Seriously--it never gets old! Just ask, and I'll tell you some cra-zy stories about the "perfect" families in our "perfect" little neighborhood. Ah, the drama.
At least there's never any drama when I'm with Laura!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Day 13: Ah, To Be Young Again

I took my little sister, Dynaya, to Chuck E. Cheese's tonight. She loved every second of it. I, for one, realized that it's not quite as awesome as I remembered. The pizza? Looks disgusting. The stupid singing creatures? Weird and totally fake. The games? Lame.
Dynaya, on the other hand, thought it was amazing. She would.not.stop playing this game, because it gave a lot of tickets. At one point, she actually said "Hit me again" (referring to me swiping the machine for more credits). Oh the simple pleasures for a 7-year-old....
P.S. She's rockin' Apple Bottom Jeans. A-ma-zing. Love it.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Day 11: Good Boyfriend
Friday, January 22, 2010
Day 10: Feeling Sick
Although I'm sure she would never admit it, I'm confident that Zoe actually loves it when I'm feeling sick. Because to her, it just means prolonged sleeping on the couch, under a comfy blanket, with very little moving. That translates to her absolutely perfect day. How fabulous for her......
P.S. I promise every day will not include a photo of Zoe :)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Day 8: Hello New Shoes
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Day 7: Quasi-Celebrities
So Kelly and I had a typical Tuesday night just hanging out with our BFF, Bethenny Frankle (you may know her from The Real Housewives of NYC and from her healthy cooking books......).
OK, so maybe we weren't just "hanging out" with her. And maybe she's not our BFF. OK, we're busted. We actually went to Barnes & Noble to hear her speak, get her autograph, and, of course, take a picture with her. Yeah, we're super cool.
And in case you're wondering: Yes. She is as funny--and as thin--in real life as on the show. And she definitely is pregnant. And her engagement ring is e-nor-mous. And her and Jill Zarin are no longer friends.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Day 6: My Work View
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Day 5: Zoe on the Go
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Day 4: Looking Cool
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Day 1: My Apartment
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