Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 47: Peaceful (AKA another Ellie post)

Are adults ever half as peaceful as a sleeping baby? I don't think so.

And how cute is Ellie's going home hat? Love her.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 46: Perfection

Look at that hat. And those cheeks. Ellie = perfection.

Day 45: Meeting Ellie

I met my niece, Ellie, today. She's perfect.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 44: Miracles

Elizabeth Lea Rychetsky, my amazing niece, arrived today at 8a.m. on the dot. She's 7 pounds and 20 inches. And I love her already (which isn't hard, since I've already loved her for nine months...)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 43: I Hate You, Albertsons

All day at work, all I could think about was how much I wanted to eat strawberries. So after the gym, I mistakenly went to Albertsons. Once there, I remembered how.freaking.horrible their fruit selection is. On more than one occasion, I've bought fruit, gone home, and it's moldy. I even went back up one night at 9 to return some moldy blackberries. Oh, and don't forget that it's bought at a very high cost because even though Albertsons has crappy food, they have expensive, crappy food.

So tonight, every single container of strawberries had mushy strawberries. So I had to settle with this tiny container of pineapples. Tear. 

Day 42: Love It

When dachshund ears flop back--even more when it's just one ear.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 41: Bachelor Tell All!!

GREAT Bachelor Tell All this year. Here's what I learned from this episode:

I like Gia way more than I realized.
Michelle is even crazier than I realized.
Alli is not nearly the mean girl she appeared. And I hope Reality Steve's predictions are true and her and Jake end up together.
Rozalyn? Huge skank. A horrible liar. And what a biotch!
I have a newfound respect for Chris Harrison.

Who else loved the montage of Tenley being....well....Tenley?! Fabulous. Loved Gia's comment that Tenley "s#!t's rainbows."

Can't wait for the finale!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 40: Sad Sundays

I always find Sunday nights depressing--it means the weekend's over and work starts in a few hours. This Sunday was worse with dying flowers :( I hate seeing flowers die.... 

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 39: Gifts

Brian's mom is too sweet. She brought gifts for me and Zoe--a Brighton bracelet for me, and doggy treats for Zoe. 

Day 38: Meet the Parents

I met Brian's parents Friday tonight. We've only been dating 18 months. Maybe it was a little soon? 

Day 36 & Day 37: Oops

So two Kellys pointed out that I missed a day. So I took two photos on Thursday to catch up. 

First up: I finally deep cleaned my apartment tonight. Love the feeling of a really clean place. But mostly, in this picture, I love Zoe looking at me from the couch :)

After the apartment cleaning, I went back up to work from 11p.m.  to 1a.m. to photograph our Maintenance folks flip an aircraft to PFD/ND.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 35: The Olympics

I'm actually kind of into them this year. I wonder what sport I can learn in four years so I can compete in 2014? I want an Olympic medal.....

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 34: Oh, Mr. Bachelor....

It's Monday! Which means Bachelor time. This shot was taken while Jake and Chris Harrison had their oh so deep heart-to-heart (ignore the bad iPhoto quality). Oh how touching. And now, my random thoughts on Jake's three dates.

Jake & Gia: Really, Jake? You told Gia she was "deep"? This is the same girl who said she "wanted Jake to say, like, I love you and stuff" before their date was over. Well, if that ain't deep, I don't know what is...... (Side note: Loved how she was pushing her boobs together in her video to Jake.)

Jake & Tenley: Jake wanted to show Tenley his passion by "taking" her flying. And then they boarded a helicopter. And sat in the back. I guess Jake forgot he doesn't fly--and most likely isn't licensed to fly--helicopters. Oh sweet Tenley.

Jake & Vienna: I like you less each week, Vienna. I'm nervous that Jake is going to pick you (like all gossip sites say he does). Why did he only talking engagement rings with you??

Bachelor Tell-All next week!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 33: Happy Valentine's Day

On Valentine's morning, I made my two Valentines--Brian and Clay--pink pancakes. We devoured them before I could take a picture, so I took a picture of the box :) They were good and adorable. Of course, as the only girl, I think I was the only one who appreciated the cute pink pancakes.....

Day 32: Happy Valentine's Day....Eve

Since Valentine's Day fell on a Sunday this year, Brian and I celebrated Saturday night. I cooked an a-ma-zing meal (if I do say so myself) of steak, lobster mac 'n cheese, salad, and chocolate-covered strawberries. I had told Brian not to get me flowers, so I wasn't surprised when he showed up empty handed. After we'd eaten, my phone rang and it was a Fort Worth number I didn't know. I don't answer numbers I don't know, and even though Brian kept insisting I should answer, I refused. My phone rang again about 10 minutes later and it was someone calling from the gate. I finally realized something was up when Brian insisted I answer the call from the gate. These flowers were being delivered :) Oops....guess I should have answered the first call! Oh well, they were still delivered! So pretty.....

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 31: Snow's Still Here!

We broke a snowfall record in Dallas. I never thought I'd see so much snow fall in Dallas--let alone that it would stay on the ground overnight! This was my favorite picture from today. The snow is so beautiful!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 29: Fun in the Snow

It snowed today in Dallas--like, real, actual, stick-to-the-ground snow. It was beautiful, and I took...oh....hundreds of photos. But this one really sums up the day. Acting like kids and loving every second of it. Loved the snow and love my fun girls! 

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 28: Monthly Dinners

My college roommate and BFF, Randi, lives aaaaalllll the way in Las Colinas. Clearly the 12 miles between us make it very difficult to get together. So we created monthly dinners and meet the second Wednesday of every month. Random? Yes. LOVE it? Definitely. What would I do without my Randi?? Look at that angelic face....

Day 27: So Not Friends

With my running shoes right now. Why? Because they took me to body pump class yesterday. Where our teacher decided to basically murder us. I feel no shame in taking a break from you today, running shoes. I'll see you soon, but please be kinder next time.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 26: Oh, Mr. Bachelor

Tonight's episode of The Bachelor was chock full of sappiness, tears, and ridiculously cheesy comments. I.Loved.It. My lazy butt wasn't getting off the couch to get my real camera, so I had to settle with the iPhone. This was taken as Jake and Tenley ran lovingly into each other's arms. Classic. And now here are my random thoughts on lovely ladies of The Bachelor....

Tenley: Cheesy, cheesy, cheesy.  My favorite quote of the night: "I just think it would be so.great to have a husband to dance with forever." Oh, sweet, innocent Tenley. Regardless of it all, I think her and Jake are perfect for each other.

Ali: Dramatic, much? Dropping to the ground in tears was a little much. And I was so over her little mopey face and groans. But did she make the right decision to leave? Probably. 

Vienna: My thoughts on Vienna probably don't belong on a public blog. I wouldn't want to seem tacky. Suffice it say, I dislike her. Tremendously. What does Jake see in her? It would be one thing if she was at least hot......

Gia: I can't even remember her name, so that shows what I think of her. I seriously had to wait until the Rose Ceremony to see her name.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 25: Superbowl Sunday

Superbowl game? Boring.
Superbowl commercials? Not funny.
Superbowl halftime show? Lame.
Superbowl sausage gumbo? Just okay.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 24: Not Fantastic

Cookie recipes that only require one egg and don't have any vanilla are not fantastic. I learned that tonight when Clay and Brian wanted cookies, and due to their severe lack of ingredients, I ended up with these....

(That's brown sugar on top, which they randomly had....)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 23: Zoe....again

I mean, how could I resist? Look at how cute she looks curled up on a pillow, sitting on Brian's lap. How could you not love her?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 22: So Proud!

Of this guy. He just scored a 730 on the GMAT--that's the 96th percentile, people! I'm so proud of him; this accomplishment is very well deserved (and definitely hard earned!).

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 21: Zoe Loves Zoe

I snapped this photo as Zoe sat on the ground in my living room.....looking into a mirror on the wall.....and gazing longingly at herself.

She sure does love her some Zoe :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 20: Daddy

So, I didn't take this picture today (I took it Saturday). But today I'm thinking about my dad and glad he's doing well :)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 19: So Hard to Say Goodbye

Especially to him. Good thing I'll see him again in a week!

Day 18: Shower Time

Today, we showered Kelly and my almost-here niece, Ellie, with everything nice! Can you say pink explosion? It was fabulous. Here is the mom-to-be, Kelly, with the shower hostesses.

Day 17: Beyond Words.... much I love this little guy.