Tonight's episode of The Bachelor was chock full of sappiness, tears, and ridiculously cheesy comments. I.Loved.It. My lazy butt wasn't getting off the couch to get my real camera, so I had to settle with the iPhone. This was taken as Jake and Tenley ran lovingly into each other's arms. Classic. And now here are my random thoughts on lovely ladies of The Bachelor....
Tenley: Cheesy, cheesy, cheesy. My favorite quote of the night: "I just think it would be so.great to have a husband to dance with forever." Oh, sweet, innocent Tenley. Regardless of it all, I think her and Jake are perfect for each other.
Ali: Dramatic, much? Dropping to the ground in tears was a little much. And I was so over her little mopey face and groans. But did she make the right decision to leave? Probably.
Vienna: My thoughts on Vienna probably don't belong on a public blog. I wouldn't want to seem tacky. Suffice it say, I dislike her. Tremendously. What does Jake see in her? It would be one thing if she was at least hot......
Gia: I can't even remember her name, so that shows what I think of her. I seriously had to wait until the Rose Ceremony to see her name.