Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 114: Our Good Friend, Candace

Kelly, Elizabeth, and I met up with our good friend, Candace, tonight.

Ya know. Candace Bushnell. Author of "Sex and the City". 


She said we looked--and I quote--"so chic." 

Duh, Candace....

While we were just, ya know, hanging out....we thought we'd have her autograph her newest book "The Carrie Diaries".

She's such a good friend, that Candace Bushnell.


  1. I'm BEYOND jelly!!! That is so awesome K!!!! I heart her!

  2. OH IS THAT WHAT SHE SAID?!? I've been telling everyone cute. Chic is way better...I tell ya my mind just went blank when I walked up to her.
